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Annual Meetings, Elections, + Acts of God

Hindsight is 2020; Our Annual Meeting on 05.30.2020

None of us, unless we were Bill Gates or any of these forward-thinking individuals, could have predicted that we'd be living under quarantine in April 2020. Because of this, our Grand Scribe made a motion to qualify tonight's EC meeting as the "Annual Meeting" required by our current bylaws. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously by all present at the meeting. (except Craig Corrieri, who had to drop off our call prematurely.) No work involving a vote of the entire brotherhood vote was conducted, per the meeting notes. The Elections, discussions/vote on changing the Bylaws, and addressing new business can now be tabled and addressed at the 11-12 noon Meeting on Saturday, May 30th, 2020.

Nominations for the KSLZAA Executive Committee

Current GM Craig Corrieri made a motion to nominate all EC members to their current posts for the 2020-2021 term year. You can see the current volunteers on our new KSLZAA Leadership page. A quorum of brothers in good standing must still vote these alumni brothers into office. If you’d like to nominate another alumni brother for any of the offices, you can:

  • Email their full name and the office in which you’d like to see them serve to our current Grand Scribe at this email address.

  • Leave a voicemail message with their full name and the office in which you’d like to see them serve to our current Grand Scribe @ 240.505.4774

  • We invite any/all brothers interested to self-nominate!

  • NOTE: Any nominated brother has the right of refusal if they do not wish to serve.

  • DUES: Any Brother running for an EC position must be a brother in good standing. This simply means they must be current on their dues. Current dues are $20 for the term year and can be paid here.

Voting for the KSLZAA EC of the 2020-2021 Term

  • Brothers in good standing will be sent a link to the online ballot via email, Facebook Messenger, or text message — based on their preferences. All online votes need to be submitted before 11am May 30th to be counted.

  • Brothers voting must be a brother in good standing. This simply means they must be current on their dues. Current dues are $20 for the term year and can be paid here.