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State of the Fraternity 2019

Dear Brothers,

As we prepare to celebrate a new year and look ahead to the opportunities that 2020 will bring, I’d like to reflect on the many accomplishments of 2019.


The alumni association has relied on Facebook for communications and as a resource for brothers to connect. In 2018 we expanded our outreach through Twitter and Instagram. It soon became clear we needed to reach outside of social media platforms. In the Fall of 2019, we launched VCUKappaSig.com, a single source for all things Lambda Zeta. Through the efforts of Thad Chilton, you can now find everything from our history at VCU, to activities for both alumni and undergrads. Many thanks to Thad Chilton for the design, creation, and launching of the website.


Alongside our internal work, we continued our community service efforts through the Adopt-A-Street program. In late fall, we completed our 7th clean-up of Laurel Street, and are waiting for the city to hang our official adoption sign. Jim VanZee led the program, and we hope the chapter will continue it for many years. We appreciate the many brothers that have come out to spend an hour beautifying our portion of the VCU campus while catching up with old friends.


Finally, recolonization. Our efforts on campus got off to somewhat of a bumpy start this fall. As a “new group,” we weren’t permitted to take part in VCU’s Fall rush program and were only allowed to start our rush events after VCU had completed theirs. After our recruitment manager connected with VCU’s new Greek Life contact, things began to roll. Alumni brothers bolstered the recruiting presentations with Lambda Zeta history, and we gained momentum. Currently, we have 10 men committed and are coordinating with VCU to be included in the Spring Rush activities. Alumni support has a significant impact on the process, so please visit https://www.vcukappasig.com/events-undergrad and try to come out to an event as they are updated.


I want to thank several people for their enormous effort and dedication. Our Alumni Association Executive Committee has done a remarkable job in making so much happen. Kevin Taylor (GMC), Kevin Jones (GP), Brad Welles (GT), and Monirom Southakakoumar (GS) all deserve a massive round of applause. Our Committee Chairs Scott Hall (Social), Greg Lloyd (Historian), and Special Event Coordinator Mike Woods. Mike coordinated our VCU FeedMore food drive, which collected over 1,000 cans. With your support, we achieved a great deal over the past year. We are very excited to build upon these accomplishments in 2020 and look forward to you joining us in carrying the log.

I wish you all the best in the New Year.


Craig Corrieri

Visit vcukappasig.com/events-alumni for upcoming events:

  • 3rd Thursday Networking events in Richmond and DC areas.

  • Annual Golf Tournament - May 2, 2020.

  • Lambda Zeta 50th Anniversary celebration - April 30, 2021.


Help us keep you in the loop on upcoming events and chapter news by updating your contact information.