An Ode to Younger Days

This is our very own hat-tip to Throwback Thursday. We invite you to enjoy these images and reminisce about your younger days. You can help us caption them by commenting as you see fit. Comments will be moderated and sanitized for your protection.

the Mother-Lode/Photo Archives

We’re working on our 6th decade of memories from the 1990s until now. To handle the 125+ (and growing) photo albums, we’ve created a searchable database of all the galleries in our Google Photos repository. Take a step back in time with our mother lode of memories.

[Update: as of 11.09.2022, the database is offline.]

Featured Galleries

ks-web Polaroid Cluster 04.png

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Thank You, Volunteers

A word of thanks to our historian Greg Lloyd, who was instrumental in getting the bulk of the images scanned, and to brothers Thad Chilton and Monirom S, who are systematically color-correcting, retouching, and maintaining the archives which feed our galleries.

Contributing Your Own Images

Do you have long-lost polaroids (suitable for public consumption) that you’d like to share/add to the archives?

You can email the pictures to your current Alumni Association Grand Scribe using the button below. In the email, be sure to include any relevant dates, names, and details that would make for great captions. You can also tell a story that puts the images into context.

Bulk upload Your Own Images VIA EMAIL

Have a LOT of images that you’d like to share/add to the archives? You can create a folder on your computer, fill it with photos, and drag/drop them into the repository found at the button below. In a text file, be sure to include any relevant dates, names, and details that would make for great captions. Or, if you’d prefer, tell a story that puts the images into context.

Need Help Scanning Your Photos?


Digitizing (scanning) your old images is easy with a mobile app for your phone that works on both Android and iOS (iPhone). Don’t just take a picture of a picture. Create enhanced digital scans, with automatic edge detection, perspective correction, and smart rotation.

Picture perfect and glare-free. PhotoScan stitches multiple images together to remove glare and improve the quality of your scans.


Google PhotoScan is easy to use and works on both smartphones running Android and iOS.